Let’s Get This Blogging Thing Rolling Again, Shall We?

Here I am, picking up momentum. While at the same time going through excruciating growing pains. I mean, excruuuuuuciating. {Also, autocorrect and I have a love/hate relationship.}

Determination, in my experience, isn’t linear. I’m holding on to it like horns on a bucking bull, but by golly I’m holding on. Maybe it’s with my pinky but hey, it’s something. I think I’ve already been bucked off and I climbed back on. Bloody nose, black eyes, knocked-out teeth, matted hair, and probably some broken bones! {crowd cheers} I’m kicking this thing in the {metaphorical} face and taking it down! {note: there are no animals actually being abused}

I am going to set a goal to make a blog post at least once a week. Cross fingers. Prayers. Divine high vibrations. All the things. I’m overcoming quite a bit at the time being. Life. I’ve got this! Right?! At this point, until others KNOW about this blog, I’m speaking to myself. So if you’re here now reading, WELCOME! Share any motivationally moving tidbits, memes, advice, etc I can take with me on this journey.

Mindset. Our brains. It’s all intriguing and amazing. And frustrating at the same time. Our reprogramming can be complex. I’ve had A LOT of areas to work on. While I feel there’s been growth I also feel like there’s still a ways to go. Linear isn’t a thing. Anywhere in life. I guess you’ll have to convince me otherwise.

So, all this to say life isn’t easy in the least and we fall and get up an innumerable amount of times. Welcome to the nine-hundred seventy-seventh, but who’s counting?!

Chasing dreams can be exhausting. Sometimes I wonder if going back to the rat race would give me more sanity, but my soul, or maybe it’s my stubbornness, is highly repulsed by that notion. Makes it more complicated when you only have a slight glimpse of what those dreams are. Maybe I know what the outcome is that I want, and it’s in the getting-there part.

I welcome you to my journey, it’s messy and ugly, but I’m looking for the beauty in it all most days and trying to stay grateful.

I have high hopes and visions for this site! Excited to bring this all together! Thanks for being here!

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